沖縄在住アメリカ人との交流プログラムを加え、生の英語・異文化体験をさせることで新たな学習効果を創. 造するのがねらいである。また、異文化を実体験することにより、英語学習のインパクトとしての効果がります。
アメリカのゲーム(ビリヤード、ボードゲームなど)、スポーツ(ボーリング、ミニゴルフ、バスケット、ビーチバレーな ど)、クッキング(外国の料理、お菓子のデコレーション)、ピクニック、ショッピング、家庭訪問、美術工芸、観光、 アメリカの子供たちとの交流... (各家庭によって異なります。また、基地内への立ち入りは強制できませんのでご了承下さい。)
※アメリカ軍のファミリーがほとんどですので、情勢等により大人数のご参加や時期によってはプログラム実施 が難しくなることがありますので代替案を必ずご用意下さい。当日グループの変更等が発生する場合もあり ますが、生徒様にベストな形で対応致しますのでご理解のほど宜しくお願い致します。
Presently, Friends Abroad and schools in mainland Japan are working together to promote a program called "Culture Teaching in Okinawa". This is a 4 to 7 hours program in which Japanese students are given the opportunity to learn about American culture. This program provides the Japanese student with chances to practice his/her English language communication skills with very safe and convenient because its not foreign country, but Okinawa in domestic for them.
The main activities of a school trip from mainland Japan to Okinawa are marine sports and peace education such as the "Battle of Okinawa". These are very ince activites for having the Okinawa Experience, but we would like to suggest students to experrience Okinawa from another veiwpoint by exchanging with the foreigner families who live in Okinawa. This experience can foster an international view in the students. And it must become their special experience, could change their future, and also to American families too.
We accept from 1 to 300 people a day placing 3~4 students with 1 family.
for foreigners
for the Japanese
Since its start, Friends Abroad is promoting cultural exchange in hand with US armed Forces; US marine Corps, US Air Force, US Military and non-Military and their families. A letter from US marine Corps date June 6, 1980, February 7, 1983 is provided here for reference and prove of a close relation.(Annex Ⅰ & Ⅱ)
While launching cultural programs, Friends Abroad always strictly follows and adopt its internal policies as well as US Armed Forces Privacy Act 1974, SOFA, MCJB CINSOP, USFJ Policy, MCOI, AFI, Housing Management, etc. to abide by any violation and ensure if these programs do not effects US Armed Forces spirit and letter of applicable US and Japan laws. Therefore, Friends Abroad always advise the American participants of the programs to fulfill the legal requirements at their end before they take part in cultural activities; to avoid any misunderstanding may occur during the program. Some letters dated March 28, 1994, September 22, 1995 and April 11, 1996. are provided here for reference.(Annex Ⅲ, Ⅳ & Ⅴ)
Besides, all the efforts Friends Abroad makes to not to let anyone make claim, sometimes some people try to copy Friends Abroads’ programs for money making purposes, which is beyond Friends Abroad’s control. Such incidents not only damage the reputation of Friends Abroad but also affect the relationship of US and Japan and its people.
To block such incidents, Friends Abroad has set a board of local business leaders to help monitor the impact of our programs. This usually helps us identify negative trends and prevent cases of bad publicity or misinformation about our company and programs. Friends Abroad’s special board is open for any opinion or ideas in this regard to prevent form negative impression for both sides America and Japan.
Friends Abroad firmly believes that, through its programs the foreigners on Okinawa will have a much more positive experience during their stay in Okinawa and, when they return to the United States, their time spent in Okinawa will be a valuable asset to them and the same can be said for the Japanese families, their children and students participated in the programs. In result, this will go long way in building bridges of friendship and cultural understanding in ways that we may never imagine possible.
Remember that this will be their first experience for almost all the students to be with foreign people.
A week before the program starts, we give you a package of the program. Please be sure to come and pick it up. Also, after sign up for any program and if you have to cancel it, please let us know as soon as possible you can. It will help us it you find a lot of alternative family for the students.